Day 8 6/23/13
Day 8 was an adventure to say the least! We packed up and out of the Pow-Wow grounds and drove Umatilla Indian Department of Natural Resources. There we met Wenix Red Elk who gave us a presentation on First Foods. The presentation covered the different foods that are put on the table and the order of their placement. The order is as follows: water, salmon, deer, roots, berries. We also learned a little bit about why the foods go on in that order. Wenix's job involves protecting the women's food from the table, rather than just the salmon and deer. After the presentation we headed out to go to a restoration project in process at Meachu. BUUUUUUTTTTTT! The road there had just been graveled and decided to have some fun with our tires! :D
Band Wagon pulls over to check their tire, and see's Flaming Eagles popped tire, then see's their own. Then after the restoration project tour we start driving back when War Pony lost 2 wheels! When Flaming Eagle got to the Les Schwab they noticed another tire of theirs went out. THAT MAKES 5 TIRES IN ONE DAY.
Unfourtuntly because of all the issues with tires it was too late to get to our original camp ground. But we had an awesome guide, Wenix. She took us to her house and had us camp in her yard. It was a great experience. Her family made dinner, including Fry Bread! We also learned how to play Stick Games :) That was a lot of fun. Wenix's mother also is into many crafts, such as glasswork. Her mom had many beautiful pieces of glass-work in a room, including irridescent salmon and wonderfully contrasted buffalo.
Band Wagon Out!
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