Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 10

Day 10

Day 10 was pretty cool. We started the day out with a few lectures in this old abandoned outdoor gym thing. When we finished there we headed out to go to a few different sites.
The first site we learned about placing Track Mats. The purpose of TM are to help with observing what small predators are in the area. How TM work is very simple. The critter walks into the tunnel, which has bait on the other side, goes over track paper and then leaves footprints on the contact paper. The contact paper is taken out and examined to study which critters when in.

Then we went to another creek and had lunch, provided and cooked by the Spokane Indians. Their we learned about shocking fish and how it's done. One kid caught a huge Rainbow Trout!

From there we drove back to camp for a bit, hit the store, and changed into swimsuits. At 5 we got to go swimming in Lake Roosevelt! The water was perfect, not to cold and just a little bit warm. We splashed about for quite some time and then had another feast prepared for us by the Spokane Indians. When we had finished eating we all gathered around and listened to some truly helpful and meaningful stories. The Spokane Indians offered us assistance and guidance in our everyday lives and told us if any of us ever need help they would be glad to provide it.

After stories we went back to camp and had brownie cake to celebrate Destiny's b-day. Then we got to play around till 11.

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